The Life that Wins


An address (revised) given by Charles Gallaudet Trumball (1872–1941) before the National Convention of Presbyterian Brotherhood of America, 1911, held in the Washington and Compton Avenue Presbyterian Church, St. Louis, MO. The message in pamphlet form was formerly circulated by The Sunday School Times of which publication Dr. Trumball had been editor. Serving as Chairman of the Council of the Victorious Life Testimony for some years, Dr. Trumball was one of the founders of the conference ministry which is now known as America’s Keswick. The truth contained in the message of this booklet is being perpetuated in the year-round ministry of America’s Keswick—a center known to many as the place “where God speaks to hearts.”

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Additional information

Weight 0.05 lbs
Dimensions 5.25 × 3.5 × 0.125 in




Page count