Living Faith


by Helen Rosevere

Helen Roseveare vividly relives her spiritual journey toward faith—a faith she saw in the African Christians and desired, yet did not possess. Through stories from her own experience and biblical application, she describes her tiny steps toward truly believing God—whether for providing a hot water bottle to save the life of a premature infant or a doll to comfort a two-year-old orphan. She discovered that “living faith” is that element that causes one to:

Give ? all of one’s self, every hour of every day.
Go ? wherever God wants, being 100% available for His use.
Pray ? for all of life, large and small, as the outcome of faith.

Other books by Helen Roseveare include: Living Fellowship, Living Holiness and Living Sacrifice

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Weight 0.39 lbs
Dimensions 7.88 × 5.25 × 0.38 in




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