Tell Me Your Dreams & I’ll Tell You Your Future


by Stan Key

In most people’s minds, the day of Pentecost is associated with signs and wonders and mass conversions. In this tract, Stan Key takes a different approach. The mark of the Spirit’s arrival is the ability to dream dreams and see visions. The “explanation” for the dramatic transformation in the lives of the disciples—and the consequent global impact of the gospel—was the capacity to envision the future in a way they had never imagined before! Pastors, governing boards, and anyone in ministry will benefit from the biblical reminder that the Spirit is poured out to open our eyes to see a world that isn’t yet there. Stop being crippled by your past and begin now to be empowered by God’s future!

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Additional information

Weight 0.02 lbs
Dimensions 5.5 × 3.63 × 0.13 in


Page count