The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Human Heart


by Jonathan Edwards; abridged by John Wesley

Few man have had such an impact on their fellows as did Jonathan Edwards in his day. His famous sermon, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” contributed to the Great Awakening, but he became concerned about the claims of spiritual manifestations without the evidence of a changed life in so many people. In 1741, he preached, “The Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit of God,” which appears as Part I of this volume. In 1742, Edwards preached another series of sermons, which were later published under the title, “A Treatise on Religious Affections,” in which he attempted to develop a reliable series of indicators by which truly gracious “affections” or feelings could be distinguished from those which had no grace. His vocal insistence upon this position led to his dismissal from the pulpit of his church in 1750.

John Wesley was impressed by the content of these works but remained opposed to certain points of Edwards’ doctrines. In 1773, he abridged “A Treatise on Religious Affections,” saying “Out of this dangerous heap, wherein much wholesome food is mixed with much deadly poison, I have selected many remarks and admonitions, which may be of great use to the children of God. May God write them in the hearts of all that desire to walk as Christ also walked!”

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Weight 0.3688 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × 0.25 in




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